List of Hanno Sandvik's publications
Papers /
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Other scientific publications /
Conference contributions /
Popular science /
1) Scientific papers with peer-review
- Layton-Matthews K et al (2024) Path analysis reveals combined winter climate and pollution effects on the survival... J Anim Ecol 93, 1351–64
- Sandvik H & Pedersen B (2023) Metrics for quantifying how much different threats contribute to red lists... Conserv Biol 37, e14105
- Hanssen SA et al (2023) Eyes on the future: buffering increased costs of incubation by abandoning offspring. Behav Ecol 34, 189–96
- Sandvik H (2023) For quantitative criteria in alien species assessment. Front Environ Sci 11, 1119094
- Sandvik H et al (2022) Pathways of introduction of alien species in Norway: analyses of an exhaustive dataset... J Appl Ecol 59, 2959–70
- Rusch GM et al (2022) A joint climate and nature cure: a transformative change perspective. Ambio 51, 1459–73
- Sandvik H et al (2022) Alien species and the Water Framework Directive: recommendations for assessing ecological status... Aquat Conserv 32, 1195–208
- Hansen ES et al (2021) Centennial relationships between ocean temperature and Atlantic puffin production... Glob Change Biol 27, 3753–64
- Sandvik H (2020) Expansion speed as a generic measure of spread for alien species. Acta Biotheor 68, 227–52
- Sandvik H et al (2020) Alien species in Norway: results from quantitative ecological impact assessments. Ecol Solut Evid 1, e12006
- Sandvik H et al (2019) Alien plants, animals, fungi and algae in Norway: an inventory of neobiota. Biol Invasions 21, 2997–3012
- Sandvik H et al (2019) Generic Ecological Impact Assessment of Alien Species (GEIAA). Biol Invasions 21, 2803–10
- Sandvik H et al (2016) Modelled drift patterns of fish larvae link coastal morphology to seabird colony distribution. Nat Commun 7, 11599
- Barrett RT et al (2015) The stress hormone corticosterone in a marine top-predator reflects short-term changes in food availability. Ecol Evol 5, 1306–17
- Mesquita MdS et al (2015) There is more to climate than the North Atlantic Oscillation: a new perspective from climate dynamics... Front Ecol Evol 3, 43
- Reiertsen TK et al (2014) Prey density in non-breeding areas affects adult survival of black-legged kittiwakes. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 509, 289–302
- Sandvik H et al (2014) The decline of Norwegian kittiwake populations: modelling the role of ocean warming. Clim Res 60, 91–102
- Erikstad KE et al (2013) Seabird–fish interactions: the fall and rise of a common guillemot Uria aalge population. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 475, 267–76
- Erikstad KE et al (2013) Persistent organic pollution in a high-Arctic top predator: sex-dependent thresholds in adult survival. Proc R Soc B 280, 20131483
- Sandvik H et al (2013) Generic ecological impact assessments of alien species in Norway: a semi-quantitative set of criteria. Biodivers Conserv 22, 37–62
- Myksvoll MS et al (2013) Climate-driven ichthyoplankton drift model predicts growth of top predator young. PLoS 1 8, e79225
- Sandvik H et al (2012) Climate affects seabird population dynamics both via reproduction and adult survival. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 454, 273–84
- De Jong K et al (2012) Measuring mating competition correctly: available evidence supports operational sex ratio theory. Behav Ecol, 23, 1170–7
- Reiertsen TK et al (2012) Climate fluctuations and differential survival of bridled and non-bridled Common Guillemots Uria aalge. Ecosphere 3, 52
- Erikstad KE et al (2009) Short- and long-term consequences of reproductive decisions: an experimental study in the puffin. Ecology 90, 3197–208
- Sandvik H (2009) Anthropocentricisms in cladograms. Biol Philos 24, 425–40
- Sandvik H (2008) Tree thinking cannot be taken for granted: challenges for teaching phylogenetics. Theory Biosci 127, 45–51
- Sandvik H et al (2008) High immature survival in a long-lived seabird: insights from a long-term study in the Atlantic Puffin. Auk 125, 723–30
- Sandvik H (2008) Public concern over global warming correlates negatively with national wealth. Clim Change 90, 333–41
- Sandvik H & Erikstad KE (2008) Seabird life histories and climatic fluctuations: a phylogenetic-comparative time series analysis... Ecography 31, 73–83
- Sandvik H, Coulson T & Sæther B-E (2008) A latitudinal gradient in climate effects on seabird demography. Glob Change Biol 14, 703–13
- Sandvik H (2006) An inordinate fondness for Mecopteriformia [Perspective]. Syst Biodivers 4, 381–4
- Sandvik H et al (2005) The effect of climate on adult survival in five species of North Atlantic seabirds. J Anim Ecol 74, 817–831
- Sandvik H & Barrett RT (2001) Effect of investigator disturbance on the breeding success of the Black-legged Kittiwake. J Field Ornithol 72, 30–42
- Sandvik H (2001) Fylogeni Grand Prix: dyrenes topp 10. Fauna 54, 132–9
- Sandvik H (2001) Sexing animals using biometry: intra-pair comparison is often superiour to discriminant functions. Fauna Norv 21, 11–6
- Sandvik H (1999) On human population growth, natural selection, and the tragedy of the commons [Comment]. Conserv Biol 13, 447–9
- Pichl H (1997) On human altruism and selfish memes [Forum]. Oikos 79, 619–20
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2) Book and theses
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3) Other scientific publications (book reviews, reports, book chapters)
- Sandvik H (2024) [The endonymic principle and plurilingual toponyms in Europe (Engl. abstr.)]. Namn Nemne 41, 55–83
- Nybø S et al (2023) [Indicators of ecological condition in wetlands, semi-natural land, and naturally open areas... (Engl. abstr.)] NINA Rapp 2336, 1–129
- Erikstad KE et al (2023) Population effects of acute oil spill events on seabirds: simulations using population models... NINA Rapp 2332, 1–39
- Framstad E et al (2023) [Ecosystem condition accounting: Water Framework Directive, SEEA EA... (Engl. abstr.)] NINA Rapp 2327, 1–122
- Layton-Matthews K et al (2023) Development of a cumulative impact assessment tool for birds in Norwegian offshore waters. NINA Rapp 2295, 1–61
- Sandvik H (2023) [Toponyms of Tyrol – how to apply the endonymic principle in a highly diverse namescape (Engl. abstr.)]. Namn Nemne 40, 37–68
- Kolstad AL et al (eds, 2023) Indicators for ecosystem condition in Norway. GitHub & Zenodo, 7854835
- Sandvik H (2022) [Revision of the Guidelines for Ecological Impact Assessment of Alien Species (Engl. abstr.)]. NINA Rapp 2054, 1–48
- Cimburova Z, Dehnhard N & Sandvik H (2021) NINA's guidelines on environmentally responsible travel. NINA Rapp 1882, 1–21
- Sandvik H (2021) EXPANSION [web application]. URL Trondheim: NINA
- Sandvik H et al (2003–2021) [6 scientific publications in Norwegian without English abstract]
- Skrindo AB et al (2020) [When is eradication of alien vascular plants a realistic goal? (Engl. abstr.)] NINA Rapp 1912, 1–68
- Sandvik H (2020) [Methods for horizon scanning and risk assessment of door-knocker species (Engl. abstr.)]. NINA Rapp 1860, 1–24
- Sandvik H et al (2020) [Alien species and the Water Framework Directive: methods for assessing the impact... (Engl. abstr.)] NINA Rapp 1845, 1–36
- Bartlett J et al (2020) Carbon storage in Norwegian ecosystems (rev. ed.). NINA Rapp 1774b, 1–66
- Hendrichsen DK et al (2020) [Pathways of introduction of alien species in Norway: the state of knowledge (Engl. abstr.)]. NINA Rapp 1735, 1–157
- Sandvik H (2019) [Assessing freshwater systems for the Water Framework Directive and the Nature Index (Engl. abstr.)]. NINA Rapp 1723, 1–38
- Reiertsen TK et al (2019) [Effects of acute population declines in seabirds related to Lofoten and the Barents Sea (Engl. abstr.)]. NINA Rapp 1547, 1–37
- Sandvik H et al (2018) [Recommendations on the contents and structure of a national trait database for species (Engl. abstr.)]. NINA Rapp 1514, 1–82
- Sandvik H, Gederaas L & Hilmo O (2017) Guidelines for the Generic Ecological Impact Assessment of Alien Species. Trondheim: Nor Biodivers Inf Cent
- Sandvik H (2016) [Book review of "Karl Popper and the two new secrets of life" by Hans-Joachim Niemann]. Z Philos Forsch 70, 141–4
- Sandvik H (2013) Methods and set of criteria. Pp. 57–64 in Alien species in Norway (eds Gederaas L et al). Trondheim: Nor Biodivers Inf Cent
- Elven R et al (2013) Alien species: introduction. Pp. 17–56 in Alien species in Norway (eds Gederaas L et al). Trondheim: Nor Biodivers Inf Cent
- Sandvik H (2012) [Survey of current knowledge on the spread and effects of alien conifers on biodiversity (Engl. abstr.)]. Utred DN 10(8), 1–42
- Sandvik H & Sæther B-E (2012) [Tests and modifications of models to estimate spread of alien species (Engl. abstr.)]. Utred DN 10(7), 1–51
- Sandvik H & Sæther B-E (2012) [Criteria and methods for monitoring and surveillance of alien species (Engl. abstr.)]. Utred DN 10(4), 1–25
- Sandvik H (2004) [Book review of "Das System der Metazoa" and "Multicellular animals" by Peter Ax]. Integr Comp Biol 44, 194–5
- Sandvik H (2003) [Book review of "Genes, categories, and species" by Jody Hey]. Syst Biol 52, 565–7
- Sandvik H (2000) A new evolutionary synthesis: do we need one? [Correspondence] Trends Ecol Evol 15, 205
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4) Conference contributions (talks, posters)
- Sandvik H et al (2016) Drift patterns of fish larvae link coastal morphology to seabird colony distribution. Int Seab Group Conf 13, talk
- Sandvik H (2013) Ecological impact assessment of alien species: generic and quantitative criteria. Verh Ges Ökol 43, 309
- Sandvik H et al (2013) The role of ocean warming in the the decline of kittiwakes in Norway. Verh Ges Ökol 43, 186f
- Sandvik H (2013) Ecological impact assessment of alien species: generic and quantitative criteria. ALTER Net Conf 2013, talk
- Erikstad KE et al (2012) Temporal variation in fish abundance affects seabird populations. Annu Larval Fish Conf 36, talk
- Sandvik H & Sæther B-E (2012) Ecological impact assessment of alien species: generic and quantitative criteria. Eur Congr Conserv Biol 3, talk
- Sandvik H et al (2011) Quantifying risks and effects. Int Conf Ecol Manag Alien Plant Invasions 11, talk
- Sandvik H (2006) Interspecific comparative analyses of demographic responsiveness to climatic variability. Verh Ges Ökol 36, 4
- Sandvik H (2006) Towards a nomothetic study of the effects of climatic change. Int Ornithol Congr 24, talk
- Erikstad KE et al (2006) Parental effort and recruitment to the breeding colony in the Atlantic Puffin. Int Ornithol Congr 24, talk
- Sandvik H (2005) Climatic variability and the marine ecosystem: a comparative study of seabirds’ life-history responses. Br Ecol Soc Annu Meet, talk
- Sandvik H (2005) The history of biological systematics – from convention to science and back again. Willi Hennig Soc Annu Meet 24, talk
- Sandvik H (2003) Anthropocentricisms in cladograms. ISHPSSB Meet 11, talk
- Sandvik H (2003) Variation in reproductive strategies and the climatic environment. ESEB Congr 9, poster
- Pichl H et al (1997) Manipulating parental effort: the costs of reproduction in the Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. ESEB Congr 6, poster
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5) Popular scientific articles
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6) Letters to the editor and other short pieces
- Pichl/Sandvik H (1995–2014) [appr. 48 letters to the editor in different Norwegian newspapers and magazines]
- Sandvik H (2009) Schade, ZEIT [critique of the article "Danke, Darwin!"]. ZEIT Online, readers' commentary
- Pichl H (1995) Das "Andersland" – Norwegen ein Jahr nach dem Nein. EU-Rundschreiben des Deutschen Naturschutzringes Dezember, 14
- Pichl H (1994) German "One World" youth congress. Youth & Environment 8(4), 7
- [Pichl H] (1992–94) [appr. 6 notes on environmental activities] Natur & Umwelt 72–74
- Pichl H (1993) Maastricht – not this way! Youth & Environment 7(1), 25–6
- Pichl H (1993) Der Zwergwal und die Ökoimperialisten. Eine Solidaritätserklärung mit den norwegischen Walfängern. Juckreiz 3, 10
- Pichl H (1993) Maastricht – was nun? Juckreiz 3, 2
- [Pichl H] (1992) [3 chapters on environmental activities] in Internationales Handbuch (eds, Hauer A et al). Bonn: BUNDjugend et al
- Pichl H (1992) Maastricht – so oder so nicht? Disput zwischen Hanno Pichl und Claudia Kraft. Jugendpolitik 18(4), 24
- Pi[c]hl H (1992) EG-nej i motvind. Kritiska Europa-fakta november, 14
- Pichl H (1991) Den Haag–Tallinn. Green Tree News 4(5), 3–12
- Pichl H (1991) (Re)cycling tour. Green Tree News 4(1), 16–7
- Pichl H (1990) Take a bike all over Europe. Abraxas Oktober, 10–12
- P[ic]hl H (1990) Ärger mit Papier. Abraxas Januar, 11
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